The Sea The Sea


oil on canvas

diptych – each canvas 152 x 122cm

304 x 122 x 4cm

1 in stock


oil on canvas diptych

304 x 122 x 4cm (each canvas 152 x 122cm)

Painted from one of my photos of the sea taken while swimming where I have attempted to capture the feeling of being in the sea amongst the waves. I use the photos as a starting point for creating the general facets and angles of a wave, then discard the photo allowing the paint to take over on the surface.

The North Sea is quite green when you’re in it and as I swim mainly at dawn, the skies are so often pinkish which influenced the colours I have used here. My own shadow hovers over looking out to sea, something I also photograph quite regularly and which gives perspective to the wave’s size. The painting is wonderfully large, it consumes and envelops you in the complexity of the waves, the colours and the depth. It is one of my personal favourites. The pink is a true natural pink, muted undulating in tone across the surface of the waves, as it does in nature.

My love of swimming and the sea I hope comes through; it has long been a place of salvation and calm for me and I adore its feeling, power and smell.

Titled after Iris Murdoch’s novel which I listened to on Audible, while painting.

Deep edged canvases, neatly painted white edges. Unframed but ready to hang.


Additional information

Weight 8 kg
Dimensions 304 × 122 × 4 cm